Join the Money Magnet Club TODAY! Just $597!
The Money Magnet Club Starts Tuesday, January 19th at 11am EST and the Early Bird Tuition Ends... Join us!
General Tuition pricing expires on September 26th at 10am EST.

Yes, you can learn to SUMMON MONEY at a moment’s notice.

Yes, you can become a MONEY MAGNET.

  In less than 90 days -  while playing a game with other extraordinary women entrepreneurs.

Discover the simple daily practices that took me (and thousands of my clients) from struggling to multiple 7 figures—the same tools that I still use today—all revealed in my Money Magnet Club.
Yes! You had me at GAME. I'm in!

When you make lots of your own money, you feel secure and deeply empowered.

When you discover the simple process for making lots of money quickly, you get peace of mind, not just for yourself but for the people you love. Stop worrying and instead put that energy into fulfilling your role as a magnet of all good things.

You see, you have a unique, valuable purpose. You wouldn’t have started your business or dreamt of leaving your job if you didn’t.

The world needs you to be making more money so you can increase your impact now, sweet friend—more than ever before. 

IT IS time to stop struggling around money and
finally become financially stable.


This fun program is for you if you find yourself saying:

  • Is there an easier way to attract money?
  • ​I’m so busy. I’m working so hard in my business. Where are the results?
  • ​I don't want to worry about my bills anymore. 
  • ​I just want peace of mind around money. 
  • I want to lead the life of freedom I've always wanted. 
  • ​I never want to be financially dependent on anyone again.
If yes, JOIN Us in the Money Magnet Club NOW!


No more white-knuckling around money, not wanting to spend it,
or wondering where it’s going to come from. 

Instead, you deliberately create money, you experience ease, flow, and peace, finally.
(I can feel your relief from here.)

You deserve financial security. And I believe in you with all of my heart.

TUITION | Pay-In-Full
Or $137 today, plus 4 more monthly installments of $137
  • 4 Weekly Money Mindset™ Trainings
  • 4 Weekly Money Actions™ Trainings
  • 4 LIVE Q & A Sessions
  • Followed by a 60-Day Money Sprint™
  • 8 Weekly Motivation Pep Talks
  • Weekly Accountability Progress Check-ins
  • Helpful Resources and Cheat-Sheets
  • Access to the Awesome Private Member Community
  • BONUS: My List of 153 Money Mindset Books I Believe Everyone Should Read
  • BONUS: The 10-minute ‘Money Magnet’ Guided Meditation
  • BONUS: The 100 Beliefs of Money Magnets

Who you are

You’re a woman with your own business or side hustle who—despite your best efforts—would love to increase your cash flow now.

You sometimes experience a cycle of feast or famine. Or you just want to feel more solvent, cash-wise. Maybe you just want more cash to hire team members.

Whatever the case, it’s been a challenge to consistently make more at a moment's notice.

You would love cash. Like, yesterday.

To top it off, you’re Law of Attraction-savvy (or at least -curious). You’ve seen The Secret. Read the books. Watched videos and even attended seminars on the Universal Laws. You just can’t seem to get them to work for you consistently! 

You remain, curious about how to bring in money consistently and don't know where to start.

You're in the right place and The Money Magnet Club will solve all of this.

Why things haven't worked so far

First, please know that it’s not your fault that money is not coming in consistently enough.

You are not "failing." There is NOTHING wrong with you. And you are far from alone.

Like most of the population, you acquired all kinds of beliefs around money from a young age that stop you before you start. Stuff like: "money is the root of all evil"; "marketing is sleazy"; "rich people are selfish"; "spiritual people shouldn't want money". Any of these ring a bell?

The problem is, these subconscious beliefs actually repel the money and clients you SO want to attract into your business, even if you're into the Law of Attraction.

Rest assured, you are not doomed. It is SO EASY to change your subconscious beliefs. With the right tools, training, and reinforcement (which we do in the Money Magnet Club), you can shift that programming for good and start manifesting money at a moment's notice.

Second, you are likely engaging in the wrong activities or are out of balance energetically. (OR BOTH) 

If you are working hard and not seeing results, you're not working on the right things. (Hey, we've ALL been there. No one teaches us this stuff, especially all in one place!)

Even if you are an affirmation-reciting, positive-visualization energy expert, if you don't know which marketing strategies to focus on daily, you're wasting valuable time, energy, and resources.

It's not just about your subconscious! You've got to take daily action too.

Without a balance between mindset and strategy, it doesn't work. You'll just burn yourself out, "efforting" with little to show for it. Every successful businesswoman has been there.

You CAN be powerful and very abundant (in a feminine way.) We've been duped in the past to think that we must choose one or the other. (More programming!). 

You CAN have it all when you embrace both the feminine (vibrational) and masculine (tactical).

FINALLY, WE’RE NOT MEANT TO DO THIS ALONE, ESPECIALLY AS WOMEN (and men who lead with their hearts.) 

When the right mindset—the unwavering faith, the mental strength—and the practical stuff (the marketing) are lacking, the results don’t come fast enough, and we get discouraged. In isolation, we doubt ourselves and give up. 

Women are creatures of community, born to share, embrace and empower those around us - together we are stronger and more powerful (and get more done!)  

Plus, most of us who own businesses are wired to start things. But finish them? Not so much. It’s hard for us to stay consistent without accountability and having  a soft place to land when the going gets tough. Right?

This is why, in Money Magnet Club, you join a community of AMAZING people (mostly women) on the same path. So you stay the course.

And you receive detailed, step-by-step instructions on the Money Mindset™ tools that I personally continue to use every day to attract money (and lots of it), as well as the most straightforward low-cost to no-cost Money Actions™ I used myself to get to my first six figures and beyond. 

So YOU, too, become a Money Magnet. It works.

How do I know so much about what you're experiencing? 

Because I started where you are now.

My personal story around money

When I opened my first business in 1999, a holistic nutrition coaching practice out of my small Manhattan apartment, I knew how to get clients, but I wasn't attracting them consistently. Money was super tight.  

I couldn't keep up with the bills. My credit card debt piled up. I owed back taxes. Collectors rang my phone continually. At first, I ignored them. (You can guess how well that turned out.) I woke nightly with the 3 a.m. sweats. I didn't know what to do or how to get out from under the debt and money worries.

Until the day I attended a conference breakout session where the speaker explained that everything in the world is made of ENERGY. That energy is behind money too.

Boom. This idea blew my mind. Down the rabbit hole I went, studying everything I could get my hands on about energy and money mindset. I attended workshops, read books, and worked with energy healers. 

When I started applying these principles to my business—that's when I started making money consistently. My revenue grew to multiple 6-figures. In 2008, when the rest of the world was in financial crisis, my income tripled in 9 months, and I crossed the million-dollar mark for the first time in my business (I've multiplied that since.)

If you remember 2008, thousands of people lost their jobs or homes—and many lost both. But my clients and I were doing well because I'd shared the tools with them, too. We were thriving during those wonky times. Shortly after, Inc. Magazine started naming my company one of America's fastest-growing private companies, three years in a row. And the point is, you can apply these tools too. 

Fast forward to 2020, which was "wonky," to say the least! As "normal" changed forever with the global pandemic, and while many struggled (you may have been one of them), by contrast, clients said over and over that they were fine because of what I'd taught them. 

And it was all because of the Money Mindset™ and Money Actions™ that they were applying, and still use to this day—the very tools you'll learn in the Money Magnet Club. 

I'm a pragmatic, systems-minded, and process-driven marketing and business growth expert. I've been living and teaching this, day in and day out, for 20+ years. I only do stuff that works. These concepts are not "woo woo." The money mindset tools I share are scientifically proven by quantum physicists and the marketing actions are easy (and they work.) 

It's the perfect balance of spiritual and tactical (like yin and yang,) the feminine to the masculine. My experience has taught me that any time you mix and balance both—that's when it works. 

In the Money Magnet Club, you get decades of tried-and-true principles, practices, and techniques—the practical AND energetic tools that I (and our clients) use NOW, every day. 

In this affordable club, you can gain access to the mind and life of a multiple seven-figure business owner who is feminine, spiritual, and attracts a lot of money (so you can model it, too, in your own life.)

I say these things because I desire and SEE the same for YOU. These skills are 100% teachable. 100% learnable. YOU can do this.

yes? ok! Here’s what you get

In the Money Magnet Club, you will discover all of the Money Mindset™ and Money Actions™ that will make you to succeed, then you'll play the 60-Day Money Sprint™ game with us and see immediate, real-time results.

Welcome & Orientation with Fabienne

“Get Ready To Get Ready” Beliefs-Busting Training

8 Trainings (twice weekly) for the first 4 weeks of the program
for intensive training before the Money Sprint™.

4 Weekly Money Mindset™ Trainings

Powerfully raise your wealth consciousness by shifting your energy
and beliefs around money with daily action.

  • Get immediate access to our daily best practices, so you STOP overthinking and STOP procrastinating.
  • Discover the money magnetism exercises I do daily, including what exactly to write with red lipstick on your mirror and what alarms to set on your phone and when. (This is in Training 1!)
  • Access powerful affirmations, videos, and soundtracks, including the affirmation I listen to incessantly every day. (Also in Training 1!)
  • ​Uncover which books I read and continue to reread, including the one I listen to every day as I put on my makeup.
  • ​Set up powerful structures to remind you what to do and when. 
Mindset Training #1
Week 1

Mindset Training #2
Week 2
Mindset Training #3
Week 3

Mindset Training #4
Week 4

4 Weekly Money Actions™ Trainings

Discover exactly which practical and useful activities attract money
 and specifically how to do them. 

  • End distraction and confusion over what to do NEXT to get clients and customers. No more guessing; I will show you exactly what to do.
  • Bust through any negative belief that you have before we even talk about marketing. (Marketing does NOT have to be difficult or complicated. Done right, marketing can change someone’s life.
  • Get the most essential, streamlined, cash-generating activities you can do right now, including worksheets, templates, and scripts. 
  • ​Take people from 'interested' to becoming paying clients, quickly. Learn how to engage people when they express interest on social media, get them into a conversation, then ask for and close the sale–without feeling "icky" and fully owning your worth, feminine-style. 
Marketing Training #1
Week 1

Marketing Training #2
Week 2
Marketing Training #3
Week 3

Marketing Training #4
Week 4

LIVE 'Ask Fabienne Anything' Sessions

Get all your questions answered by me (Fabienne) throughout the program.

  • 2 sessions before the 60-Day Money Magnet Sprint to give you clarity and support as you craft your plan.
  • ​2 sessions during the Sprint so you can make this new cash-receiving, action-taking self your NEW NORMAL.
  • Outside Money Magnet Club, people pay thousands of dollars to have this same access level. 
Q&A #1
June 17th 11am EST

Q&A #2
July 22nd 11am EST

Q&A #3
August 19th 11am EST

Q&A #4
September 23rd 11am EST

Followed by a 60-Day Money Sprint™

We will then play a game together to implement what you learn in real time, so you see results right away. I will be there, cheering you on, every step of the way.

  • Implement your 3 customized Money Actions each day to stack up the money.
  • ​Keep energized with Weekly Motivational Pep Talks that keep you moving forward without procrastination, open to receiving, and taking action.
  • Stay in flow and on track toward your big hairy audacious revenue goal (affectionately known as your BHARG) with Weekly Progress Check-ins so you can measure your results in real time!
Weekly Motivation #1
Week 5

Weekly Motivation #2
Week 6

Weekly Motivation #3
Week 7

Weekly Motivation #4
Week 8

Weekly Motivation #5
Week 9

Weekly Motivation #6
Week 10

Weekly Motivation #7
Week 11

Weekly Motivation #8
Week 12

Experience the power of this process in a safe bubble of accountability and loving (not lenient) support and community—so you stay in the Game.

  • Participate in a warm, active community of like-minded souls who support and cheer each other along the journey, as well as offer a dose of healthy competition in the Money Magnet Club’s private Member community. (You will love these people!)
  • Gain confidence and commemorate all you’ve accomplished collectively. 
  • Be inspired by everyone’s wins, be witnessed and acknowledged for your own, and leave empowered to repeat the processes you’ve discovered whenever you want.

Week 13

In the Money Magnet Club and the 60-Day Money Sprint™ Game, you WILL finish what you start. 
You CANNOT fail—because you are no longer alone.

Don’t wait. If you feel called, and excited, join the Money Magnet Club NOW.

Hoping and waiting for money to come into your life is NOT a strategy for being a Money Magnet. Working on your Money Generating Activities and Wealth Consciousness is what matters.

What do the most successful entrepreneurs in the world have in common? It's a Mindset: a belief system that transcends, blocks out naysayers and ploughs on with exacting determination.

Being able to summon money at a moment’s notice changes every single area of your life.

Money, at a moment's notice, allows you to:
  • ​Take care of all of your personal bills - you no longer worry.
  • ​Hire people to do business tasks you don’t know how to do or don’t like to do, or with home tasks you’d rather not do.
  • Delegate all the busy work you’re currently doing instead of taking the actions that would advance your business.
  • Travel, go on vacation, and buy things you want for your family, without ever wondering if you should.
  • ​Invest in a higher-level coach, like I have, many times. (Maybe even join Boldheart Business.)
  • ​Help others who struggle.
  • ​More than anything, have peace of mind.
  • ​Give back to the causes closest to your heart and values.
I’ll go as far as to say that you ARE already a Money Magnet deep inside! You’ve just never learned the mindset and actions to take to ACTIVATE your Money Magnetism superpower, until now

Discovering, then mastering these tools on your own can take several years. You don’t have years. You need cash and financial freedom NOW.

You need advice, not from people who are at your level, but people up the ladder, who are way ahead of you, who can teach you their best practices. It's time for you to remove the risky learning curve and follow the formula to success.

Working with such a coach can be expensive. And I know that times are tough for a lot of people. That’s why this super affordable solutio will save you a ton of time and pay for itself. 

At $597 pay-in-full, one new client pays for this program many times over. 

And if $597 feels like a stretch, you can join TODAY for only $137. Just choose the 5-pay option, and take care of the balance with only 4 more installments of $137.

Why would you wait? This is so doable! 

Here's what Money Magnet Club Grads have to say

These processes already work for my clients, who have made tens of millions of dollars acting on what they’ve learned from me. Want proof? Here are highlights of results that previous Money Magnets have shared. (Scroll down to read more success stories, in the Money Magnets' own words):
  • Halfway through the program, Amelia met 62% of her $108K goal, or $67,000.
  • Beth made 6 times the Club’s investment with her first sale after joining, $2,300. 10 days later, she signed 3 more clients for an additional $4,200.
  • ​Paula closed a $12K contract, 20% of her $60K goal for the sprint.
  • ​Janine aimed for $5K per 4 weeks—and made 2X that, or $10K in her first month.
  • ​Laurece had her biggest month EVER in 27 years, over $10K.
  • Mari closed a single transaction, earning $50,000—HALF of her $100K goal. 
  • Cynthia’s business won a $15,000 grant.
  • ​Patrice made a sale every day for an unprecedented 6 days in a row.
  • ​Rucsandra increased her business revenue by 35% using what she learned in Money Magnet Club.
  • ​Within two months, Yasmin hit her goal and a month later, exceeded her goal by over 176%—all while working her usual 3-4 hours a day.

Yes! The Money Magnet Club pays for itself!

What they've been saying about the Money Magnet Club...

Your 90-Day Double Your Money Back Guarantee

Know this, sweet friend: with our double your money-back guarantee, you literally have nothing to lose! I know in my heart how much this program will change your business and increase your sales. If you've diligently implemented every aspect of the program, show us your work (with completed assignments and worksheets) and that you've shown up 100% and don’t make back your $597 investment, just let us know within 90 days of your purchase date, and we'll give you a full refund TIMES TWO. That's our guarantee, and you have our word on it. (Yes, really!)

Well, since you put it that way... I’m IN!

Frequently Asked Questions
So Fabienne, will this really work for me?
You may have purchased other courses online that promise you the world and leave you wondering where all those promises went. Here, our number one priority is to honor our commitment to you. When you say yes to this, you are coming into a family that wants you to succeed.
This offering is best suited to service providers, coaches, consultants, healers, practitioners and others who are in the business of enrolling clients and customers. This is NOT a high-tech internet/online marketing course. This is a training in no-cost to low-cost methods to make more money and increase cash with new revenue streams and enrolling more clients.
The system you'll be learning has been honed and perfected for over 20 years. It has earned our members and students millions upon millions of dollars in business.
So the real question to ask is, will you take action? Will you show up to do the work? 

If yes, then I stand 100% behind the information that you will learn and the support you will receive.
How does this work?
As soon as you say YES!, you'll receive all of the course details, your personal course schedule and your invitation to our awesome community.

Trainings are provided twice weekly via pre-recorded video lessons available in our private Member Area. Q&A sessions are LIVE with Fabienne and held on Zoom.

As a best practice, we recommend scheduling time in your calendar for this immediately! And most importantly, commit to following this through. The course itself is 4 weeks long, followed by 2 months of coaching, support and accountability. You can do anything for that time when you put your mind to it!
Is this just another marketing course?
Simply put, no. While we teach marketing in our core offerings, this course is about cash flow, income and sales. You'll be supported by a 7-figure business owner (me) with over 20 years of experience. This is an implementation and execution program to make money.

Here we believe that the best learning comes from DOING and getting real-time feedback on your work, along with others so you feel great momentum. This is what you'll experience in the Money Magnet Club.

I'm just starting out. Is this program for me?
Yes! I'm so glad that you found your way here so that you can learn a system that is integral, values-based, and most importantly...that works. You'll save months (if not years) of time and experience results faster than if you tried to figure this all out on your own.
I consider myself a business, marketing or sales pro. Is this program for me?
Yes! I don't know about you, but as an expert I am committed to constantly sharpening my skills and up-leveling my game. You'll learn ninja skills, immerse yourself in your zone of excellence and get even better at the thing you're already good at. You'll be among the best of the best when you add these tools to your skillset.
I have a non-service business. Will this work for me?
Every business is in the business of making money and generating cash. While some of our language speaks specifically to enrolling clients and/or customers, easy shifts in language make what you'll learn completely applicable to selling more of your products, projects or services, profitably. We will model this in our Q&A sessions!
I like what you’re saying but I’m still not sure that this course is for me?
First, that’s totally normal. It can be intimidating to think about investing in yourself...let alone hitting the GO button on learning how to do it.

With 25 years experience as a business coach, I have designed everything so that instead of getting have a guide AND supportive community to journey with you.

You shouldn’t walk this path alone. But you should join and get help on your path if you have that gut feeling - that YES!

You need to burst through your limiting beliefs, make a real change, and start to identify your truest desires...your truest self.

This is the path to more abundance and financial security. This is the path to more confidence, satisfaction, and success in all aspects of your life.

Money Magnet Club gives you structure, support, inspiration, and community as you begin your journey. It is THE place to start.
I'm in another industry, or my business is different from most - does the course apply to me?
Making money and generating cash is Business 101. That's why we love it so much. In fact, this is one of the most valuable and sought after skills you can have. Of course, the methods for generating cash might be different, but the art is the same.

You'll learn to stand apart by rising above the noise. You'll learn to gracefully transition from having someone interested in what you do to being invested in what you do.
Does this cover online selling, like funnels or webinars?
The concepts, strategies and tools for generating cash and increasing your sales can apply to different marketing channels like online funnels, webinars and more.

That said, this is not a ‘tech-y’ deep-dive into online/internet marketing, however - it is skill-building and how-to on bringing in cash way easier.
I really want to enroll, but I’m afraid I’ll get overwhelmed.
Let’s talk about “overwhelm” for a second.

Overwhelm happens when you do something different. There are many unknowns and as humans, we have a natural and primitive aversion to the unknown.

Here’s the thing. If you have been carrying the weight of financial challenges around for your entire life...that, too, leads to being overwhelmed.

So let’s get to my tried and true way to manage “overwhelm.”

1. Being gently guided on the new journey by someone with lots of experience.
2. Just get started.

I created this course to give you the freedom to be centered, grounded, and financially successful in your life. Which is the opposite of feeling overwhelmed.

We will take our time so you are not changing all the things, all at once.

Money Magnet Club was created to teach you how to attract abundance so you can consciously create the business and and life that thrill and fulfill you.

My detailed, step-by-step process plus the support of an amazing group of fellow learners, puts you on the fast track to transformation and empowerment.

As long as you promise to do your part, I promise to fully show up and gently keep you on track.
What if I can't make the Q&A coaching sessions?
We'll be recording all the Q&A sessions in our Member Area, so if you can't make it, you can watch the video after the session, at any time. The recordings will be available soon after each session. All Q&As will be recorded and available to you 24/7.
When are the Q&A coaching sessions? Are they recorded?
The Q&A coaching sessions scheduled is below.

Q&A #1 May 20th 11am EST
Q&A #2 June 17th 11am EST
Q&A #3 July 15th 11am EST
Q&A #4 August 19th 11am EST

They will be held on Zoom and will all be recorded. You will have the opportunity to chat with me live during a Zoom session and ask your question.
What is your Double Refund/Guarantee policy?
This program will create results-or we'll pay you your money back (times two). I know in my heart how much learning this is going to change your business and increase your sales.

How does the payment plan work?
If you choose the flexible payment plan, you will make your first monthly payment today at the time of purchase. Then, every 30 days you will be automatically charged for your next payment as part of the terms of the payment plan until completion. Please know you will have 60 days to move into the discounted payment-in-full tuition if you prefer, in order to fully realize those payment-in-full savings.
How long are the training sessions?
Each of the 8 marketing and mindset training sessions last between 20-30 minutes.

Long enough to provide the content, strategies and resources you need and short enough to make it easy and convenient to watch them twice a week. Each training includes handouts, exercises and examples.

The weekly motivation training sessions are 15 minutes each.

The Q&A Coaching sessions with Fabienne are about one hour each.
How long do I have access to the content?
As a Money Magnet Club member, you will have lifetime access to all of the content, videos, resources and recordings in our online Member Center.
I want to join, but I want to wait. Will this be offered again?
I often say - why unnecessarily delay the results and transformation you're looking for now?

We can't say with certainty if this course will be provided again in the future.

If it speaks to you now, enroll now. You won't regret it...
I'm in another similar program - how is this different?
We can only speak for our own results. Here at Boldheart we've been teaching business owners to succeed, while aligned to their deepest values and truth, for the better part of 20 years. We have a proven track record of success, confidently supporting committed entrepreneurs from the practice-building phase of their business all the way to scaling to 7 figures and beyond.

Our commitment to authenticity, integrity and love touches all that we do. We believe that you already know whether you are meant to join us or not. We trust your knowing.

This program has been road tested for 5 years with results from thousands of members from all over the world.

Money Magnet Club is action-oriented, purpose-driven, and transformative. We care deeply about you — our members.

Because the internet is so full of noise, Money Magnet Club is designed to be a focused community where you can learn with other like minded individuals.

Instead of overwhelming you with psychological theories, Money Magnet Club gives you a proven step-by-step roadmap to achieve financial abundance and success one small step at a time. (Scripts included!)

You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

We encourage you to review some of our client reviews for further proof.
How much time to will it take me to implement the training?
You will have access to the video sessions for the time you are an active and paying member, so you are free to implement at your own pace and return to the content again, and again, as long as you’re an active member. If you decide to cancel your membership, you will no longer have access. That said, we highly recommend that you commit to showing up 100% and making this THE program that completely changes your results...because when you show up fully and do the work, we promise it will.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Boldheart Business Launch?
Once a month Fabienne will go live for two different video sessions: one Teaching and one Coaching. For each one-hour session, you will join like-minded members of our community for a live video session.
What will I get?
Live 1-hour online video sessions with Fabienne Fredrickson. A monthly training session with outline PDF available after the Training. A monthly coaching Q&A session to get clarity and support. The opportunity to learn and grow with the exclusive business coaching community.

When you join Boldheart Launch today, you'll get this complimentary bonus with your membership! The 2020 Planning & Strategy Session will map out everything you need to do daily from this day forward so that you can get more clients and build a bright, exciting vision for the future ahead.
What topics are covered each month?
Here's a sampling of the topics Fabienne covers each month:
How to attract and convert the EXACT clients who will pay you what you’re worth, get great 
  • How to attract and convert the EXACT clients who will pay you what you’re worth, get great results and send you referrals.
  • Get proven techniques you can apply right away so as not to have to reinvent the wheel on your own.
  • Receive specific tools for you to use, instead of starting from scratch, so that you will “just add water” to successfully grow your business.
  • ​Show you the simple integrous actions that generate the highest levels of income and achievement (do this, not that).
  • ​Make more money than you’re making now, while enjoying being in business for yourself more than ever before.
  • ​​Implement systems so that you consistently market your services easily and can finally stop struggling to get clients, for good.
  • ​Learn how to create your own simple marketing plan to start seeing results in just a few days.
  • ​How to determine which target market will yield more revenue quickly.
What should I expect upon signing up?
Now it’s time for the fun to begin! You will receive a welcome email shortly with a username and password to enter the Boldheart Business Launch Member Center. Included in this email will be important information and next steps, such as access to our exclusive members-only Facebook Group. if you have any additional questions please let us know at
What if I can't attend some of the live sessions?
Not to worry! All of our video sessions are recorded and uploaded to your online Member Center to access later. As an active member, you can download the video+audio for offline viewing/listening. 
Are the sessions always on the same day and time a month?
We will send you an email each month to let you know what day and time the sessions will begin and any other resources you might need to get started.
Billing questions?
Once you have registered and selected to pay for it via monthly installments (subscription model), you will be charged the first monthly payment immediately. This payment begins the monthly charge cycle straight away and will automatically charge you on that same date next month.
How do I cancel my subscription?
If you are a part of the monthly subscription model and wish to cancel, please email at least 7 days prior to your next billing cycle charge to ensure that you will not be charged again. Your account will be deactivated and you will no longer have access to previously paid subscription months.
So Fabienne, will this really work for me?
You may have purchased other courses online that promise you the world and leave you wondering where all those promises went. Here, our number one priority is to honor our commitment to you. When you say yes to this, you are coming into an organization that wants you to succeed.

This offering is best suited to service providers, coaches, consultants, healers, practitioners and others who are in the business of enrolling clients and customers. This is NOT a high-tech internet/online marketing course. This is a training in no-cost to low-cost methods to make more money and increase cash with new revenue streams and enrolling more clients.

The system you'll be learning has been honed and perfected for over 20 years. It has earned our members and students millions upon millions of dollars in business.

So the real question to ask is will you do the work? Will you show up to do the work? Will you take action?

If yes, then I stand 100% behind the information that you will learn and the support you will receive.
How does this work?
As soon as you say yes, you'll receive all of the course details, schedule and your invitation to our community Facebook group.

As a best practice, we recommend getting everything into your calendar immediately! And most importantly, commit to following this through. Each month you are receiving training, coaching, support and accountability. You can do anything for that time when you put your mind to it!  
Is this just another marketing course? 
Simply put, no. While we teach business growth, marketing, sales and much more in our core offerings, this course is about attracting clients and making money. You'll be supported by a dynamic team, each experts in their own right. This is an implementation and execution program to make money.
I'm just starting out. Is this program for me?
Yes! I'm so glad that you found your way here so that you can learn a system that is integral, values-based, and most importantly... that works. You'll save months (if not years) of time and experience results faster than if you tried to figure this all out on your own.

Here we believe that the best learning comes from DOING and getting real-time feedback on your work. This is what you'll experience.
I consider myself a business, marketing or sales pro. Is this program for me?
Yes! I don't know about you, but as an expert I am committed to constantly sharpening my skills and up-leveling my game. You'll learn new skills, immerse yourself in your zone of excellence and get even better at the thing you're already good at. You'll be among the best of the best when you add these tools to your skillset.
I have a non-service business. Will this work for me?
Every business is in the business of making money and generating cash. While some of our language speaks specifically to enrolling clients and/or customers, easy shifts in language make what you'll learn completely applicable to selling more of your products, projects or services, profitably. We will model this in our Q&A sessions!
I'm in another industry, or my business is different from most - does the course apply to me?
Making money and generating cash is marketing 101. That's why we love it so much. In fact, this is one of the most valuable and sought after skills you can have. Of course, the methods for generating cash might be different, but the art is the same.

You'll learn to stand apart by rising above the noise. You'll learn to gracefully transition from having someone interested in what you do to being invested in what you do. That applies to any industry.
Does this cover online selling, like funnels or webinars?
Our belief (and experience) is that mastering Client Attraction will absolutely support and influence your success in selling online programs. You'll start to see patterns of the core challenges, dreams, and desires of your ideal clients. This is a fundamental understanding that you must have to succeed online! The concepts, strategies and tools for attracting clients and customers and making money can apply to different marketing channels like online funnels, webinars and more. This is not a techy deep-dive into online/internet marketing, however - it is skill-building and how-to on attracting clients and customers.
I'm in another similar program - how is this different?
We can only speak for our own results. Here at Boldheart we've been teaching business owners to succeed, while aligned to their deepest values and truth, for the better part of 20 years. We have a proven track record of success, confidently supporting committed entrepreneurs from the practice-building phase of their business all the way to scaling to 7 figures and beyond.

Our commitment to authenticity, integrity and love touches all that we do. We believe that you already know whether you are meant to join us or not. We trust your knowing.

We encourage you to review some of our client reviews for further proof.
What if I can't make Training and Q&A coaching sessions live?
All sessions and Q&As will be recorded and available to you 24/7.
How much time to will it take me to implement the training?
You will have access to the monthly video sessions for the time you are an active and paying member, so you are free to implement at your own pace and return to the content again, and again, as long as you’re an active member. If you decide to cancel your membership, you will no longer have access. That said, we highly recommend that you commit to showing up 100% and making this THE program that completely changes your results...because when you show up fully and do the work, we promise it will.