The Money Magnet Club Starts Thursday at 11am EST and the Early Bird Tuition Ends... Join us!
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This is THE program for you if you are finally ready to quickly attract all the money you deserve and be on your way to financial stability
 You CAN do it when you take the simple, easy and effective practical actions (prioritized for you), while shifting your energy and beliefs around money, and being held in a fun, loving container of accountability. (It works, as the hundreds before you experienced!) 
Here's What You Get
 Four money mindset trainings to powerfully increase your wealth consciousness on a daily basis and finally make you receptive to the money that’s trying to come into your life (these are the ones Fabienne uses to produce her own results) 
 Four marketing action-plan trainings focused on the most important, streamlined, cash-generating and revenue-accelerating activities you can be doing right now (on a regular basis) so you know exactly what to do (and what you’re selling) when the 60-day Money Sprint begins (no more guessing, we will show you exactly what to do)
 Helpful resources and cheat-sheets to quicken your results with no-more-guessing worksheets and templates, links to useful resources, limiting-beliefs-busting videos and other resources you can use on a daily basis to usher money into your life and attract everything you want (just plug-and-play)
 Two Ask Fabienne Anything sessions to give you clarity as you get ready for your Money Magnet 8 week sprint to make sure that you get all of your questions answered. We are going to support you to remove confusion and overwhelm from this process
 The 60-Day Money Sprint, a powerful structured “game” that will have you have fun while taking the necessary daily actions that will bring in the money you set as a goal for yourself
 Two more Plug-into-the-Mothership Q&A sessions during your 60-Day Money Sprint so that you can make this new cash-receiving, action- taking self your NEW NORMAL
 Weekly Motivation Pep Talks during your Money Sprint to keep you implementing and on track to reach your goal - consistently and frequently 
 Weekly Accountability Progress Check-Ins during your Money Sprint to measure, track and celebrate your accomplishments (because what gets measured and energized...grows) 
 Celebration Session as you wrap up your first Money Magnet Club experience to take a step back and really appreciate your concentrated effort and be grateful for all the money that you attracted (we gain confidence when we acknowledge our accomplishments.)
Value: $5,000 minimum
And these bonuses...
 My List of 153 Money Mindset Books I Believe Everyone Should Read: You will also receive a list of 100 books considered classics in the area of money mindset, personal finance, wealth building, and. While not exhaustive (there are so many more), this list is a great start if you’re looking to become more of a Money Magnet. 
 The 10-minute ‘Money Magnet’ Guided Meditation: Understanding the psyche of a Money Magnet or millionaire is about much more than just knowing how to make money. It's about a fundamental shift in your beliefs on life, success, and your access to abundance. This 10-minute guided meditation is a powerful way for you to reprogram your thoughts and habits daily towards those of the world's most successful people. The more you listen to it, the faster you will become a Money Magnet. 
 The 100 Beliefs of Money Magnets: My comprehensive list of 100 beliefs that are embraced by Money Magnets and millionaires alike, and can be integral to cultivating your own Money Magnetism. These beliefs can powerfully influence your behavior and decisions, aligning your mindset with the principles that lead to wealth and success. 
Value: $1,500 minimum

Your 90-Day Double Your Money Back Guarantee

Know this, sweet friend: with our double your money-back guarantee, you literally have nothing to lose! I know in my heart how much this program will change your business and increase your sales. If you've diligently implemented every aspect of the program, show us your work (with completed assignments and worksheets) and that you've shown up 100% and don’t make back your $597 investment, just let us know within 90 days of your purchase date, and we'll give you a full refund TIMES TWO. That's our guarantee, and you have our word on it. (Yes, really!)

“This program is mind-opening. More importantly, it delivers. The strategies in this program helped me increase my 6-figure business revenue by 35%, and freed up precious time. 

If you’re not yet sure about joining this program, my advice would be to imagine yourself 12 months from now, with a 35% increase in your revenue, with less overwhelm and a clear direction for your business.”

 — Rucsandra Mitrea

"What makes this training really good is the simplicity and focus that it offers. I am a storytelling coach and for two years I was struggling to find ways of sharing how powerful the connection formed through shared stories can be. 

Since beginning the program less than a month ago, I formed a proprietary system and scheduled eight workshops that will support the launch of my new online programmes in less than three months. 

My advice if you’re on the fence about getting this program is go for it. Go for the maximum involvement with Boldheart that you can manage. The energy and support of Fabienne and her team, as well as the Boldheart community, has to be experienced to be believed. Best decision ever!"

 — Dr Giuliana Fenech

"What makes this training so valuable is that it WORKS. In more ways than I ever imagined. Before beginning the program, I didn't know how to work on marketing my business EVERY DAY. Now I do. I didn't have anyone to hold me accountable and be sure I did the right thing consistently. 

Now I do. Before I started the program, I had only 2 or 3 clients at a time. Now, after five months, I have 7 clients at a time and am still growing. Most importantly, by next month my sales revenues will have doubled - that's 100% growth! 

If you're like me, running after clients all the time and "waiting for the right program" to join - this is it. JOIN! You'll receive far more than you ever imagined..." 

 — Janet Granger 

"I just started the program 3 weeks ago. It is a clear goals and action program. I set a monthly goal of $7,000 new client income and $21,000 in three months. 

I am also affirming a big hairy goal of filling my practice, bringing in $18,000 or more a month by serving clients with skill, attention and love so they have multiple breakthroughs and are thrilled. 

I repeat my vision several times a day utilizing the practices and mindset shifts Fabienne teaches. In the first week I had results! So far this month I have earned $6250 in new client income. With the future contracted income I have been blessed with $10,375 toward the $21,000 - that is within 21 days of starting the program and doing 10% of the suggested work! 

I was surprised to realize, I am attracting ideal clients - high achieving professionals. I can't wait to see the results as I implement more actions!" 

 — Laurece West

"I took part in the program with eager anticipation and the program did not fail to deliver, in fact it exceeded my expectations! 

I set a seriously stretchy goal for myself and it made me feel a little shaky but I was determined to be ‘boldhearted’ about it!

I listened closely to the the training, internalized the mindset shifts and took inspired action. 

Within the 1st week of participating, I hit and exceeded my goal for month 1. Within 2 months, I hit my 90 day goal and at time of writing (coming towards the end of the 90 days), I have exceeded my goal by over 176%! And I'm not done yet!

And I did this by working my usual 3-4 hours a day.

This would not have been possible without the solid foundation the program gave me! I highly recommend this training and if you're on the fence, trust me - this program works! Show up, do the work and be ready for miraculous shifts!

Thank you so much Fabienne and Boldheart - I am so excited about the next 90 days and my next stretch goal!”

 — Yasmin Vorajee